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About Myself

  • British - living in Grenoble, in the French Alps

  • Cloud Native Trainer @mjbright

  • Docker Community Lead

  • Python User Group Creator

  • Kubernetes CKA

  • Crazy about Open Source and Cloud Technologies

Serverless Computing

  • What Is Serverless?

  • Review of Cloud Provider Offerings

    +CNCF Serverless WG
  • Open Source Tools

    Demo of Chalice/Lambda
  • Open Source Platforms

    Demo of OpenFaaS
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What Is Serverless?

  • No more servers ?!

  • The ultimate
    "Cloud Native" ?

  • FaaS + BaaS

    • Functions as a Service

    • Back-ends as a Service

    • Functions glue together API-based back-end services

  • Serverless: a paradigm

    & a company
    & a tool
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Serverless - What Is it?

At the peak of the Hype Cycle!!

  • Not caring about servers

    • Developers focus on apps
    • Platform provider
      • - Provisions
      • - Auto-scales
      • - Maintains
  • Pay as you go

    - (*)Pay for real (fn) usage
    - (*)No initial investment
    - (*)High availability for free
    - Great for startups
  • Agile

    - Short time to market
    - Enables innovation
    - (*)Massive scale on demand

* - These are the promises of Serverless

Serverless - The making of ...

Continuum : to faster, lighter-weight cloud deployments.

Serverless removes need for developers to worry about installation, maintenance or scaling of servers.

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Serverless - an Event Driven Architecture

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Serverless - Cloud Providers

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Serverless - Main Cloud Provider Offerings

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AWS Lambda

Introduced βeta in Nov 2014
Leader in developer uptake, back-end services and eco-system.

Language choices: Node.js (JS), Python, Java 8, C#, VB/F#

NEW Features [Reinvent 2017] - Go(static binaries) and .Net(C#), SAM for off-line debugging

Cost: Free tier: 1 mn req/mth, then $0.00001667/GBy-sec details
Strengths: Created the space, enormous ecosystem, Cloud9 IDE?
Weaknesses: A little slow, limited languages, lock-in

AWS Lambda: Use Case - Smart News

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Potentially huge cost savings for your business, or not ... Source: "The hidden costs of serverless"

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The CNCF Created a Serverless WG

CNCF Serverless

We need open standards for Serverless

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Serverless - Open-Source Tooling

  • Hundreds of Open-Source tools facilitate development, testing and deployment
  • See awesome-serverless
  • Some tools seek to support multi-language,
    some multi-platform or a combination ...

Some Important Frameworks

Zappa, Chalice (AWS Lambda/Python)

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Serverless Python !!

Serverless Python Frameworks ...

Other platforms: κappa, Python-λ, ...
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Demo Time - Chalice !

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Serverless - Open Source Platforms

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OpenFaaS - Finnian Anderson, Colourising Video with OpenFaaS

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Demo Time - OpenFaaS !

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Resources - 1

Resource Description URL
awesome-serverless Curated list of awesome services, solutions and resources for serverless / nobackend applications. [github] anaibol/awesome-serverless
awesome-Serverless(.com) Curated list of resources related to serverless architectures and the Serverless Framework [github] JustServerless/awesome-serverless
Serverless Tools for deploying to several Cloud Providers [github] serverless/serverless
Apex Tools for deploying to AWS Lambda [github] apex/apex

Resources - 2

Resource Description URL
Cloud Providers
AWS Lambda Amazon's Serverless Platform https://aws.amazon.com/fr/lambda/
Azure Functions Microsoft's Serverless Platform https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/functions/
Google Cloud Functions Google's Serverless Platform https://cloud.google.com/functions/
IBM Cloud Functions IBM's Serverless Platform https://www.ibm.com/cloud-computing/bluemix/openwhisk

Resources - 3

Resource Description URL
Open Source Serverless Platforms
Kubeless Serverless platform from Bitnami url
Fission.io Serverless platform from Platform9 url
Apache OpenWhisk Serverless platform from IBM url
OpenFaaS Serverless platform from Alex Ellis, Docker Captain url
Serverless Python Frameworks
Apex Serverless framework supporting Python and other languages url
Chalice Serverless framework supporting Python / Flask url
Lambdify Serverless framework supporting Python url
Zappa Serverless framework supporting Python / WSGi url

Thanks !

